
General Information
Category Gold
Caratage 8-18K
Color Yellow
Color Shade Light Yellow
Typology Alloys For Gold
Production Process Plastic Deformation and Handmade
Density [cm3] 10.39
Solidus [°C]
Liquidus [°C]
As cast hardness [HV]
  • Ag
  • Cu
  • Zn
  • Ni
  • Deoxidant
  • Grain Refiner
  • Other
Typical Applications
Open System
Closed System
CNC and Lathe Production
Hollow Chain
Machine Chain
Wire Production
Production of tube from continuous casting
Sheet Production
Hollow chain Production
General Characteristics
As Cast Grain Size [µm]
Color Coordinates
Mechanical Caracteristics
Tensile Strength (Rm) [MPa]
Yields strength (Rp0.2) [MPa]
Elongation Rupture (A) [%]
As cast Hardness [HV]
Hardness after 70% area red. [HV]
Hardness after annealing [HV]
Hardness after age-hardening [HV]
Mechanical Working Parameters
Pre-mixing temperature [°C] 1000-1050
Pickling Sulphuric acid (%10)
Casting Temperature Metal - from [°C] Metal - to [°C]
Ingot Making 1000 1050
Continuous Casting 1020 1100
Reccomended reductions
Sheet - area or thickness [%] 65
Wire - diameter [%] 45
Mechanical working recommended annealing Temperature [°C] Time [min]
> 5 mm 630 - 670 40
1 - 5 mm 630 - 670 30
< 1 mm 630 - 670 20
Age Hardening Processing Parameters
Single step age-hardening treatment Temperature [°C] Time [min] Quenching Age-hardening
Age-hardening 275 100 Cooling in furnuce
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